If you operate from a place of frustration or impatience, and it is affecting your personal and professional relationships, you are in the right place.



  • Dread the thought of opening your inbox?
  • Find it difficult to turn your mind off work?
  • Constantly run a to-do list in your head when you should be listening?
  • Frequently think when you’re at work, “There has to be another way to do this.”
  • Feel spread too thin between personal and professional commitments?
  • Feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out?

I can tell you living in that state of stress and discomfort is NOT normal. 

You can be more than your current story . . .

I’ve been there . . . sleeping with my mobile phone by my pillow 24/7, awakening in the middle of the night in a panic because I thought I was missing a meeting or forgot to send an email.

I’ve had feelings of dread in my stomach on a Sunday afternoon because Monday is coming when it will take all my willpower to get out of bed, get ready, drive to work, and open the door to walk through, in trepidation of what is on the other side.

I’ve loved answering the question, “How is it going?” with my story of stress, complaining about an important project and all the hours I am working. Like bragging rights, it made me feel good, like a celebrity, like I had a purpose.

It’s exhausting! I crashed and burned mentally and physically, and both my personal and professional relationships suffered.

Sound familiar?

Who would you be if you made new, different choices?

Imagine what it would be like to have clarity, a clear mind?

How different would your life be if you learned ways to show up differently?

How would it feel to be back in control?


Work is love made visible.And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.

For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the wine. And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.

Kahlil Gibran, author, The Prophet

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation

with Carmen to see if Soar Transformational Life Coaching is right for you.

I work to help you gain clarity in all aspects of your life, so you feel empowered to make decisions and create the changes you desire.

I encourage you to take that leap of faith in yourself. You can change your circumstances. You can be in control, and a victor of your situation.

What breaks my heart is when I hear and see competent, hardworking professionals and leaders continue to stay in a toxic work environment, and/or operating from a state of stress or survival. My mission is to change this. If this is you, it is you I want to help.

If you are spending your life hoping something outside of you will change, but see no way out . . .

If living in this kind of stress has become all too familiar . . . 

If it feels more comfortable to stay in discomfort than to build up the courage to change things . . . 

Then I would like to give you the tools to reconnect with your heart in cooperation with your mind. Together, we will cultivate an environment for transparency and collaboration to help you with your personal and professional growth and truly create the life you design.

“Indeed, many people do not realize the extent to which these internalized habitual emotional patterns dominate their internal landscape, diluting and limiting positive emotional experience, and eventually becoming so familiar that “stress” essentially becomes a defining part of their sense of self-identity.”

Research paper by the HeartMath Institute

Do you need a coach? Or something else?

READ MORE for information on the differences and which may be right for you.

OMG, Another Meeting I Am Dreading!

You’re at work and you are dreading going in to a meeting because you have that sick feeling in your stomach and the nagging thought, this is just not going to go very well. Do you want tools and techniques that will help you approach that meeting or that situation in a totally different way? I’ve worked in the corporate world for over 20 years. By changing your thought patterns, you can change your responses to those individuals and situations.

If I Hear That One More Time!

Would you like to learn tools and techniques to improve relationships? It could be your boss, someone you care very deeply for, or people who just push your buttons, all to the point of conflict, pain, distress, frustration, hurt, resentment, anger or disappointment. You constantly want them to change, treat you better, have more respect for you. But the reality is, it’s not about them, it is about changing your behavior and how you show up!

Are You Attracting Or Repelling Your Career?

You’ve been interviewing and interviewing and interviewing but not getting that job. This is affecting your confidence, your self-esteem and you financially in a really bad way. In fact, this could be causing you a lot of money stress and pressure. You could lose your home if this trend continues for much longer, this situation is possibly causing a knock-on effect to those closest to you. You’re in that downward spiral and asking, how did I get here?


For more information, click here to Contact Carmen.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation

with Carmen to see if Soar Transformational Life Coaching is right for you.

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